Thursday, April 30, 2009

Timely Thoughts

I have heard a lot over the last few years about dealing with the past and future. Notions that the past can be overcome or "moved on" from or even forgotten have been pressed on me by well meaning people. I have also been told that the future can somehow be different or new without regard to either the present or the past. Having considered this at length, I have to conclude that they have been mistaken.

Their mistake lies in seeing life as a series or discreet events, as a time line with events as points when, in fact, it is not. It is more of a continuum, more like a river than a line. Thus the present is continuously informed by everything that happens to us prior up to the present moment. Everything that has been in our lives - positive or negative - resonates in and informs the now. Moreover, life is never a straight line. It is better described as a trajectory that is determined by and includes all of the events, people, etc. that we have encountered along the way. They are always present and always influencing us, whether we are aware of that influence or not.

As to the future, obviously it doesn't exist. The longer you live, the more aware of this you necessarily become. The future is a pleasant illusion for the young, but an absurd delusion in the more experienced. Obviously, your future is wherever you are now.

Now, in fact, is all there is and it contains both the so-called past and the alleged future. The only way to escape this phenomenon is to stop breathing.

Until then, it is create, interpret, re-interpret, renew, resurrect, recover, begin again...

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