Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Why I Live This Way

Today at work
I saw:
A box turtle
treading water
a three foot long
water snake dozed
on a nearby rock;
two Admiral butterflies
making shameless, passionate
colorful love
in the uncut clover;
four indigo buntings
slicing the air
like Imperial lightening;
six vultures
sailing the thermals
above the berry patch
in an eternal gyre.
What did you see?

1 comment:

  1. I saw tired parent birds desperately stuffing an eternally hungry fledling's mouth....dew drops on rose petals, threatening to roll into one huge ball....clouds, roiling and boiling as the heat of the day prodded them into action, and I saw beauty, in your poem....thanks for sharing. Cathy of Murfreesboro.
